Greetings from Mexico!
So this week was pretty sweet. We went to the mission offices where I got to be reunited with all my friends from the MTC. It was way sweet because we all had some pretty good stories like my Menudo story. So let it be known that Golf can be referenced to everything. Father, your golf reference to the mish was great. I don’t have a whole ton of time but I’ll try to explain my week. So I went to the doctor for the thing on my back and she said I had to put 2 different creams on and some vitamin-E oil on my back. It has gotten better though! We also went to the mission offices this week like I said to do visas and stuff. It was exciting because I got to see everyone. The first night we all just partied it up. The next day (Thursday) we went to get our visas taken care of. After that, we were back to work. We went to my comps old area so we got to talk to less-active members and investigators he knew. The next day, my comp went to training and I went to work with an Elder from my district in the MTC Elder Robbins and another American Elder Sorenson who has been here in Mexico for 5 months. It was great though! We got so much work done! And I bought a luchador mask! It’s sweet. You’ll get a picture one of these Mondays with Me and Elder Robbins with our masks. They are SA-WHEAT! Then Saturday, we returned to our area. On Sunday, we had the most people show up to Church! 61! That includes us, the bishopric, and little kids. We didn’t have any of our 8 investigators come to church like they said they would. Half of them said they were sleeping. Church is at noon by the way... So after that we just worked some more. I lost my first tag on Sunday. It was very depressing. I have to order a new one. I am also debating if I should buy a bike or not. A lot of missionaries spend most of their time on bike. Some only use a bike 2-3 times. And the one I have now has so many problems. But anyway I got to go now. It was nice talking to you guys! Thanks for all the advice. A member here has a P.O. Box in Texas. He said if you want to send things to me, he will get them because it’s cheaper and easier. But I need to get it from him. Well I love you all! Stay safe and choose the right! Oh, by the way, there is a lady here in the ward that looks and acts EXACTLY like mom and a recent convert of 5 months that looks and acts EXACTLY like Cassie! Its nuts!
Elder Stark
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