Saturday, June 25, 2011

First letter from the MTC

Howdy! Well a week has gone by... The days are excruciatingly slow... But the weeks are short. Spanish is going alright, but still really slow. I don’t know if I told you or not, but my teacher is making our class a pilot class meaning only speaking in Spanish, praying in Spanish, Bearing testimony is Spanish, and we have now given about 4 lessons in Spanish which weren't very  good because I don’t know Spanish. The MTC is tiring, both physically and mentally. I’m still getting used to not getting any sleep and going to class 8 hours, then 3-4 hours of study either personal or companion. Other than that, it’s pretty alright. We went to the Temple today which was cool. We get to rent for free because were missionaries. It’s a little different in this Temple as well. My district is way fun. Fast Sunday was pretty cool. I didn’t have a desire to eat all day so I was good. No headaches or anything. We had sacrament meeting in Spanish and I got to bear my testimony in Spanish. We watched Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration which is one of my favorites, but this one was different. There were parts taken out and some more put in. Also Joseph Smiths mom narrated the entire thing. The other night I was having a hard time because Spanish was kicking my butt and I felt like I was failing horribly, but then I just kind of snapped out of it then I wanted to watch a James Bond movie... Random I know. We had a devotional on Tuesday and Brother or Elder Kikuchi from the 70 talked to us. He gave a really good talk. On wed, for some random reason, I got like a burst of energy all day and I was just super pumped. I need all kinds of pictures family, friends, random anything that I can hang up on my wall. All kinds of snacks are appreciated. I was going to start a black market here because there is no caffeine and I was walking around drinking a mountain dew and everybody was willing to pay. But then I ask my teacher and he said don’t because I could probably get into trouble. I do have a microwave! Elder Hiatt is sweet. I don’t really know what to say about him. He’s from North Carolina. I’ll send pictures soon. I can’t hook it up to the computer but ill print some off. That sucks about the Tahoe! I like her... I miss cheese crisps. Tell me about the BoM musical CD! Everyone says it's terrible but I know nothing about it. Diamondbacks are sweet. I’m glad they are doing well. Ha dads’ story about the Temple was hilarious. I almost did that when I went today. Have Amanda send me vitamins and all kinds of things to keep me and my skin healthy! If you find my Kierre Lewis CD I WANT IT!! I got to go but I lovvee you!

Love, Elder Stark

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